The Brazilian butt lift is one of the fastest growing plastic surgery procedures fueled by millennials and popularized by celebrities. However, it is the deadliest of all aesthetic procedures. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has warned about the complication rate and the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons makes a statement against cosmetic surgery tourism where patients travel to foreign countries offering discounted rates. A task force of international plastic surgeon societies reports a death rate of 1 in 3000 following the procedure. With this knowledge in mind, patients should research carefully.
Everyone may not desire surgery for a number of reasons including safety concerns and may not be the best surgical candidate. Fortunately, surgery is no longer required to obtain a rounded curvature of a shapely buttock. Within the span of an hour or less you could be on your way to a more desirable figure. The nonsurgical butt lift can be performed in the office using filler injections. The same filler injected into the face can be injected in the buttock. No liposuction is required; therefore, you can still have the procedure performed if you have no excess body fat.
We see the best results with two or three sessions. There is usually no down time and you can drive home afterwards. Results can be seen in about 2-3 months and last several years. The filler cannot be dissolved but there is less chance of lumps or uneven areas like with fat grafting. You are a good candidate if you are concerned about the risks and recovery time of surgery, have too little body fat for fat grafting or your underlying health makes surgery too risky. Call the number below today to schedule your consultation or submit your appointment request using the link below.