Dermal fillers in lips is now a treatment of rising demand. 

Although lips become thinner with age and lose border and definition it is the millennial lip that has become a popular trend and the younger than millennial age groups that are driving this trend.


Dermal fillers in lips is now a treatment of rising demand. 

Although lips become thinner with age and lose border and definition it is the millennial lip that has become a popular trend and the younger than millennial age groups that are driving this trend.

Admittedly, there have been some growing pains in the medical community to adapt to the changing demands and interests of the public and there have been some highly publicized less than desirable outcomes. For years these occurrences  had caused people to fear lip treatment.

Fortunately, we physicians now have in our armamentarium a multitude of products brand new and tried and true that can be used to create a spectacular lip.  Here are some tips to achieve a beautiful lip. First, have an understanding of the look you want so you can communicate that to your injector.  Do you want a taller lip, a wider lip, equal or near equal upper and lower lip?  Is it your desire to have less gums show when you smile?  Bring photos or have an idea of preferences from photos from a selection at your doctor’s office. 

Second, understand what to expect.  Some products cause more water absorption than others and therefore more initial swelling.  There may be some initial lumpiness. Do not jump to have filler removed before 2 or 3 weeks of settling of the product.  Also it is prudent to have more than 1 session because the lip can only hold so much filler before migrating to areas outside of where the product was placed.  It is common to return in a few weeks and inject additional product. 

Third, allow your injector to select a product that he or she is familiar with injecting according to the look sought.  There are many products that can achieve the same look but each has slightly different properties.  It may not due to have the same product your friend had or even a product you have had before when we now have additional products that may better serve you or are so similar to another product that they are comparable.

I recommend hyaluronic acid products not only because they can be dissolved but they give a natural look and feel. Botox type products and even PDO threads can be used for a complete package to create a well-defined and pouty, beautiful lip.  The lip has to be considered with every facial rejuvenation as it is a major part of the face and anchors the lower face.
Good luck with achieving your perfect lip.
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