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Hyper Pigmenation

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Prior sun exposure, acne or other sources of
inflammation can cause dark spots on face, chest,
hands or other areas. For those who have tried
everything there is a proven system for correction
and maintenance.

1. ZO® Skin Health systems
provide customized physician-directed programs for the individual for a lifetime of  healthy skin.

2. Laser hair removal if indicated. Elos® technology makes hair removal safe and effective for all skin types. fades the appearance of skin imperfections caused by the sun, and uneven skin tones caused by brown and red spots. The Skin Rejuvenation applicators target both broken capillaries and pigmented lesions for skin rejuvenation.

3. IPL FotoFacial ® as indicated safely and comfortably fades the appearance of skin imperfections caused by the sun, and uneven skin tones caused by brown and red spots. The Skin Rejuvenation applicators target both broken capillaries and pigmented lesions for skin rejuvenation.

4. Microdermabrasion Series microdermabrasion.htm A machine delivers crystals at rapid speed to remove dead skin cells, debris and oil
from the skin of the same areas as the chemical peel. The process is followed by  removal of the debris by vacuum suction. The suction stimulates blood flow and oxygenation for to the tissues. The process allows better penetration of the PRP topically and skin care products.

5. Chemical Peel Series Saliclylic, glycolic or other acids are applied to the face, neck, declotette, knees, elbows or other areas to enhance exfoliation and promote new skin growth. This technique allows penetration of PRP topically and skin care products.

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We’re dedicated to excellence, compassion and precision – three things that have taken us far in our practice. We pride ourselves in what we do for our patients. 

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About Face Aesthetic Centers
Non Surgical & Cellular Medicine
5250 Cherokee Ave # 300
Alexandria, VA 22312
Tuesday-Friday 9-5
Saturday by appointment
Dr. Leslie Pickens
Her goal is to provide genuine care and comfort to her patients. Dr. Pickens’ philosophy is to help patients achieve, maintain or restore healthy-appearing skin and reduced signs of aging through education, motivation and support.

About Face Aesthetic Centers
Non Surgical & Cellular Medicine
6371 Little River Turnpike
Alexandria, VA 22312
Sun/Mon: Closed, Tu – Fr, 9 am – 5 pm, Sat 9 am – 2 pm
Other times by appointment only, if available
Dr. Leslie Pickens
Her goal is to provide genuine care and comfort to her patients.Dr. Pickens’ philosophy is to help patients achieve, maintain or restore healthy-appearing skin and reduced signs of aging through education, motivation and support.