Healthy Eyes Part One
Healthy Eyes Part Two
Today I’m going to be sharing with you things that you can do, some tips I’ll call them, to help your eyes stay youthful with things you can do at home. So the number one thing is to stay hydrated. You want to make sure that you’re getting enough fluid in your body for a lot of reasons.
And that doesn’t mean caffeine because that actually dehydrates you. You want some water, actual water. Which is very good for a lot of organs all of our organs in our body and Decrease the sodium the salt intake because that causes swelling Ever wake up with puffy eyes after you’ve had some crabs or some kind of smoked meat or something like that. That has a lot of salt in it chips.
Well when we lie down, of course, gravity goes downhill and then when you sit up for the rest of the day it seems like your eyes are looking a little bit better. Well, that’s why. So you want to sleep with your head of bed a little elevated, particularly if you have been eating salt or having some procedure on your eyes or face that could cause some swelling.
Tip number two is to make sure you have proper eye protection. So you want to have UV protection. And so that’s going to mean that even if it’s a cloudy day, the sun is still rising because UV penetrates clouds and it penetrates glass, so windows as well. So you want to make sure that you’re protecting your eyes, wear some sun shades that are some good ones that protect you.
And also you want to have some sunscreen on. So SPF is very important. You apply it to your eyes as well. So whenever you apply anything to your eyes, make sure you’re, or to your face make sure that your hands are clean. You don’t want to apply dirty hands to your face.
That can create all kinds of things that you don’t want to happen. Um, so when you are applying your sunscreen, and I’ve always been taught, the ring finger transmits the least amount of pressure to your face. So when you’re applying makeup or cosmetics to your face, particularly the very thin skin of the eyes, you want to apply it with your ring finger.
I’m going to take off my glasses so you can see. So if you just dab, dab, dab, dab. dab, dab, dab, dab, rather than rubbing. You never want to rub your skin or pull down the skin of your eyes when you’re applying mascara or, um, doing something to your brows. Never pull down your eyes with your fingers because that’s just going to cause more pressure on your skin.
And before you know it when you get older in your 60s and beyond, then you’re going to be having more sagging. So just be very gentle, protect your eyes. We rarely put sun protection around our eyes, but don’t forget the eyes. You know, when you put it on the rest of your face, then just gently dab with your ring finger along your eyes as well so that they too can be protected.
And check your eyes moisture. A lot of us suffer from dry eyes, particularly in this allergy season, spring and fall, but some people have dry eyes year-round. Well, you want to use some sort of hydrating fluid, but be careful, sometimes the chemicals with the preservatives in them can actually cause your eyes to age, so you want to have moisture, and you can even usesome kind of moisturizer. It doesn’t have to be an expensive one. You can use natural things like grapeseed oil or coconut oil. Um, and that is going to serve as your moisturizer. If you want to go get some specific products that are formulated for the eyes. We can talk about that on our next broadcast.
Also, what I want to mention is that you can avoid rubbing your eyes. So if your eyes are itchy or watery or you’re sneezing, don’t take your hand and start rubbing your eyes. Not only can you transmit germs and get an infection, pink eye, or something, but it also causes pulling and pushing off the very fragile skin around your eyes.

A lot of people come to me complaining about their eyes. My eyes are making me look old. I don’t like the way my eyes look. My eyes have lines and wrinkles. Well, first let’s narrow it down to what is it about your eyes that is bothering you?
Now, if it’s color, dark circles, you’re feeling like your eyes are, have a tint to it that doesn’t match the rest of your face. Well, we can combat that with skincare products that you can purchase and use at home. And we can show you how applying those types of products for skin brightening can help brighten up the dark circles around the eyes.
A lot of times they’re hereditary or may be associated with allergies or conditions that are related to causing hyperpigmentation. So that can be corrected if you are patient and if you are consistent, with their use. Now, if you are concerned about lines and wrinkles around the eyes, well, what we can use for that is injectables.
And, there’s Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, Juveau. So just for simplicity, I’m going to refer to all of those as Botox, whatever brand it is. They all work the same. And, what I would recommend for that problem is just a little bit of Botox to help with the crow’s feet and that’s from squinting or smiling or, you know, laughing, that can cause over time, the lines on the face.
And you don’t want to wait until they get to be lines on the face when you’re not moving your face because then it may take a little bit more than just those types of products. But you want to do it when it’s, you see the lines when you are smiling or laughing or squinting. You want to prevent those deep etched-in lines.
Now that can be taken care of quite simply in a matter of a few days, to be honest, and prevent it from getting deeply etched in. And so that can be helped with just a little bit of Botox. And then they’ll never have to be as deep as you have seen them before, as long as you maintain it. And usually, Botox will last about three to four weeks.
So in, in a week, those can be softened and, have you having more youthful eyes. Also, you can put a little underneath. That’s an advanced technique that I’ve been doing for over a decade. And that can actually help to open your eyes a little more so they don’t look like they’re closed.
Now we can get a brow lift for those of us maybe a little older who are having some hooding or the skin of the upper eyelid seems to be drooping a little and it makes your eyes look like they’re closed or giving you less room to apply your, your, um, eye shadow and making you feel like your eyes are looking older.
Well, we can do that by elevating the brow a little with some Botox or those types of products. So, we’ve been doing that for years, so that’s not that difficult. It’s not that costly, but it does need to be maintained. So now if the problem that you are concerned about is your eyes have bags or conversely the eyes are sunken, we do have fat pads shifting as we age.
So, the fat pad on the lower lid can herniate. And cause bags and they will appear worse in the morning because of gravity after we’ve been lying down. The fluid goes up to our head, and are more accentuated in the morning and with salt intake, which draws in water and look a little bit better later in the day or in the evening or with ice packs.
So those are some things that you can do naturally. Reduce your sodium intake and apply ice packs. So, maybe taking some allergy medication or avoiding, exposure to things that you know you are allergic to. Now, once that has been done, and if you’re still seeing the bags and you don’t like the appearance, we can do other things. I use a lot of PRP or platelet rich plasma or platelet rich fibrin, can be used, which is sourced from your blood, but you just draw in your blood.
Usually one tube of blood is sufficient and we can have that applied topically through microneedling. Microneedling stimulates collagens to tighten the skin of your lower lid, which can get become loose and sagging and with that skin laxity can cause your You have an aging appearance to your eyes. So when we do that we can sprinkle a little bit of your plasma on top so it sinks through the openings that are created in the skin from the microneedling and you can watch that on my website.
Kind of like aerating your lawn, you know, the, the channels that are creating in the lawn have an opening through which you can put fertilizer. So the fertilizer in this case is your blood plasma. So that is one way. And the other way that I use is, PRP injected right in the lower lid. And that can stimulate collagen production in your own body.
That plasma is injected. You may need one or two depending on how bad the appearance is. And also, we use filler there sometimes, but I tend to use a lot less filler now and more plasma, but we can use filler. And it can be used to build up the fullness of the volume in the cheeks.
So the upper cheek area or the the side cheek area and the cheekbones that can help to camouflage the bags or the sunkenness in the eyes very, very nicely. And so those are a few things that we can do professionally. And that’s what this second video about how to have a youthful appearing eyes.
The first video was talking about things that you can do at home for yourself. And then these are mechanism methods that we do professionally in the office. Now, the last thing that I’m going to mention is radiofrequency. Radiofrequency is a method of applying through a device. Heat to the face to stimulate collagen production and thereby tighten the skin.
So this can be done not just for eyes. These things like microneedling can be done and the radio frequency can be done for the entire face. But right now we’re just talking about with eyes and of course home care would involve skincare products as well as eye creams. So eye creams can be effective and not only for treatment but for maintenance.
For discoloration for tightening the skin and helping to smooth out the fine lines and below the eyes. Also chemical peels can help to help smooth out the fine lines and the lower lids as well as or even the crow’s feet. So I hope you find this helpful. Please like it or give me a thumbs up in the comments or let me know if this was helpful to you, please subscribe and please visit the website so you can see videos of some of these procedures being performed.